In “Biogas: From Start to Startup,” LF CEO Brent Lilienthal visits with podcast host Peggy Coffeen about LF’s Farmers First approach, the LF team members who bring agriculture know-how and operational excellence to each on-farm renewable natural gas (RNG) project, and how LF creates a totally customized plan for each dairy farm partner. Case in point: LF found innovative ways to make sand bedding in the dairy barns work within a world-class RNG operation.


  • LF’s Farmers First approach to finding a solution for each dairy farm
  • Making sand bedding work with a digester
  • Why the long-term vision for your dairy farm and family matters
  • When the dairy farmer can expect to get paid for their carbon credits
  • What a conversation with an RNG developer and operator should include

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Contact us:

Cyn French
EVP of Feedstock and Marketing
[email protected]